0-9 & A-B
Please note that depending on stock, there may be a delay with fitting kits being sent.
Fitting the Orranje G-Wing Spoiler onto a new car? Then you may need an Orranje G-Wing Fitting Kit.
This kit includes all the rivnuts, bolts, gasket and drill bit you need to transfer the Orranje G-Wing Spoiler to another car, and is included in the purchase of an Orranje G-Wing Spoiler.
If you require new aluminium brackets, the parts that join the wing to the sides, please add / choose the 'Brackets Kit'.
The 'Rivnuts Kit' contains the following:
The 'Side Fitting Kit' contains the following:
The 'Brackets Fitting Kit' contains the following:
The 'Brackets Only' contains the following:
The 'Gaskets Only' contains the following:
The 'Rivnut Tool' is the rivnut tool only.
The kits do not include the spoiler sides or wing. Please note that if the 'Full Kit' is purchased, only 1 set of gaskets will be supplied.